Algolia Appoints Jason McClelland as Chief Marketing Officer

Marketing veteran joins Algolia to usher in new era of dynamic experiences and build upon record company growth

SAN FRANCISCO, May 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Algolia, the leading API Platform for Dynamic Experiences, today announced the appointment of Jason McClelland as Chief Marketing Officer to lead the company’s ambitious growth and awareness goals. With over fifteen years of marketing, product, and sales leadership experience from Heroku, Salesforce, Adobe, and other startups, McClelland will be a strong asset to Algolia as its momentum continues, as noted by its recent record-breaking quarters.

“Today’s consumers expect instant, frictionless, and personalized digital experiences. Algolia’s API platform is ideally suited to create the dynamic experiences customers expect, and is well-positioned in the market to continue the company’s tremendous growth,” said McClelland. “I’m thrilled to join Algolia and continue to advance their vision.”

McClelland most recently served as CMO of enterprise MLOps platform Domino Data Lab, where he helped redefine their go-to-market and partner strategy, and reposition their brand to target the enterprise. Prior to that, he served as CMO of the AppDev PaaS platform Heroku (acquired by Salesforce), where he led marketing, inside sales, and business operations — establishing the company as one of Salesforce’s fastest-growing businesses, with his team delivering more than 70% of the $400 million ARR. He was previously at Adobe as head of commerce and inside sales for the Americas, and a number of product and developer roles.

McClelland’s appointment comes on the heels of Algolia’s bold new vision around dynamic experiences with the goal of enabling customers to predict user intent and deliver results by building trust in an instant. Algolia serves over 10,000 customers globally — powering 1.5+ trillion searches — and is used by an estimated one in eight people online. Today, Algolia powers four times more searches than Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Baidu, and Yandex combined.

“This is an exciting time to be here at Algolia, and Jason’s outstanding experience in helping both product-led growth and enterprise SaaS companies scale is a perfect fit for us,” said Bernadette Nixon, CEO of Algolia. “Jason inherently understands the developer, having started his career as one, and that’s important as it’s a key persona for us. And Jason’s passion not only for marketing, but leadership excellence and culture make him an exciting addition to our executive team.”

About Algolia
Algolia provides an API-platform for Dynamic Experiences enabling organizations to predict intent and deliver results. Algolia achieves this with an API-first approach that enables developers and business teams to surface relevant content when wanted — satisfying the demand for instant gratification — and building and optimizing online experiences that enhance online engagement, increase conversion rates, and enrich lifetime value to generate profitable growth. More than 10,000 companies including Under Armour, Lacoste, Birchbox, Stripe, Slack, Medium, and Zendesk rely on Algolia to manage over 1.5 Trillion search queries a year. Algolia is headquartered in San Francisco with offices in Paris, London, Tokyo, New York, and Atlanta. To learn more, visit

Media Contact
Shannon Campbell
Offleash for Algolia
