NKFMDDE Appoints Donna Hanes and Rochelle Cunningham as MAB Co-Chairs

COCKEYSVILLE, Md. (June 28, 2024) –The National Kidney Foundation Serving Maryland and Delaware (NKFMDDE) has named Dr. Donna S. Hanes (Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Nephrology, University of Maryland Medical Center) and Dr. Rochelle Cunningham (nephrology specialist, MidAtlantic Nephrology Associates) as co-chairs of its Medical Advisory Board (MAB).

“The appointment of Dr. Hanes and Dr. Cunningham is an exciting opportunity and advancement for NKFMDDE to educate more communities at risk along with expanding our reach by the outreach and screenings offered within our market,” said Executive Director Pattie Dash.

“Their combined leadership as co-chairs at the helm will assist in driving engagement of our local Medical Advisory Board and bringing a renewed focus on outcomes needed today, driven by a roadmap that will span into the future.”


After earning her medical degree from the University of Maryland School of Medicine, she completed her residency in Internal Medicine and fellowship in Nephrology. She is the recipient of numerous teaching awards and a highly sought after clinician. Her interests include dialysis, hypertension and medical education.

In addition to lending her time and talent to NKFMDDE, she serves as an Officer of the Endowment for the University of Maryland, and is the past chair and a current member of the State of Maryland Commission on Kidney Disease.

“As MAB co-chair, my goal is to motivate others from nephrology community, including kidney patients, to actively participate in NFK events,” Hanes said. “I am willing to serve the needs of the organization, dedicated to creating and maintaining a valuable resource for the community, and wish to empower people to achieve their goals, whether through grant funding, educational seminars or community forums. Ambitious? Perhaps. But very worthy goals.“


Cunningham earned her medical degree from the University of Texas, Southwestern and completed her training in Internal Medicine and Nephrology at the University of Maryland Medical System. With over 25 years of experience in the medical field, she brings extensive experience in Glomerulonephritis & Nephropathy. For the past 20+ years, she has worked as a nephrologist.

“It’s been a privilege serving on the MAB for nearly a decade and I am honored to step up as co-chair with Dr. Hanes, who shares the same vision of educating the community, particularly those at risk, about kidney disease,” Cunningham said.  “I’m committed to looking at chronic kidney disease through a health equity lens, and I look forward to implementing strategies that will help our goal of ending disparities.”

Along with the MAB appointments, NKFMDDE elected Samuel Cosby (owner and founder, Club Road Associates) as a patient advocate on its Board of Directors. In 2009, after losing weight, “feeling tired all of the time and just generally sick,” Cosby learned from his pediatrician that he had a tumor in his kidney. Following further diagnosis at  Johns Hopkins Hospital of IgA nephropathy, he underwent hemodialysis for six months.

In 2010, he received a kidney in February 2010 as part of the kidney swap program at Hopkins. As part of the swap program, Cosby’s father donated a kidney on my behalf at no cost, and he received one from an unknown donor.

“Sam Cosby brings reality of what it means to be someone impacted by chronic kidney disease,” Dash said. “His journey and willingness to share his story while help others has a deep impact for the NKF mission and the focus needed to drive local impact.”

About NKF

The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) is revolutionizing the fight to save lives by eliminating preventable kidney disease, accelerating innovation for the dignity of the patient experience, and dismantling structural inequities in kidney care, dialysis and transplantation. For more information, visit www.kidney.org.