Hogan Turns Senate Campaign To Public Safety

A week after winning the Republican primary for U.S. Senate, Larry Hogan is turning his focus on public safety even as his Democratic opponent continues a focus on the former governor’s position on abortion.

The 10-point position paper released Wednesday by Hogan, his first since the May 14 primary, touches on some public safety themes that were part of his two terms as governor. It also includes red meat for voters in the Republican base who want tougher enforcement along the country’s southern border.

“We can no longer allow politics to get in the way of public safety,” Hogan said in a statement with the plan. “There are bipartisan common sense solutions that the federal government can urgently adopt that will make a difference and save lives. In the Senate, I will make it a top priority to bring people in both parties together to get this done, support our law enforcement, and make our communities safer.”

Hogan released the paper following a Wednesday morning appearance on WBAL Radio. He has also met recently with groups representing local and federal law enforcement.