2024’s Most Gambling-Addicted States – WalletHub Report

Gambling exists in every state, even Hawaii and Utah, where gambling is prohibited by law. But not all gamblers are the same. “Recreational” or “social” gamblers, for instance, buy the occasional lottery ticket, take the rare casino trip or bet small stakes in fantasy sports, but they set limits on how much they gamble and don’t cause financial harm to themselves.

When gambling gets out of control, though, it becomes a real medical condition. Gambling disorder, as it’s known, affects about 1-3% of all U.S. adults. That addiction can lead to serious economic consequences. While the gambling industry made a record $66.5 billion in revenue last year, U.S. consumers experience over $100 billion per year in total gambling losses annually.

WalletHub compared the 50 states to determine where excessive gambling is most prevalent. Our data set of 20 key metrics ranges from the presence of illegal gambling operations to lottery sales per capita to the share of adults with gambling disorders.

Top 5 Most Gambling-Addicted States

  1. Nevada
  2. South Dakota
  3. Montana
  4. Louisiana
  5. Pennsylvania