NAIOP Impacts Industry-Critical Bills in 2024 General Assembly

Content presented by NAIOP Maryland

After 90 days of work on several thousand pieces of legislation, the 2024 Maryland General Assembly Session adjourned April 8th.

The NAIOP State Legislative Committee, under the leadership of Tom Pilon of St. John Properties, continued to serve as the leading advocate for commercial real estate in Annapolis.

During the session, the Committee reviewed more than 2,200 bills for their impact on commercial real estate. It actively engaged on 93 bills and submitted testimony at more than 120 bill hearings spread across six issue areas: building and energy codes, business management, environment and natural resources, land use and transportation, asset management, and taxes and fees.

NAIOP took a leading role in the defeat, amendment or passage of industry-critical legislation related to the state Building Energy Performance Standards, construction and energy codes, forest conservation, electric vehicle infrastructure, real estate taxes, citizen suits to enforce environmental permits, and broadening the right of individuals and associations to appeal zoning and land use decisions.

To view a dashboard that provides an at-a-glance summary of NAIOP’s 2024 session work, please click here.