Java with Jim Interviews Joseph DeMattos, CEO of Health Facilities Association of Maryland

Jim Ries, Director of Business Development at Offit Kurman, and Joe DeMattos, President and CEO of the Health Facilities Association of Maryland (HFAM), discuss HFAM’s history and accomplishments. HFAM has been advocating for nursing homes and assisted living providers in Maryland for 76 years, navigating healthcare challenges to ensure quality care. Joe underscores HFAM’s response during the pandemic, assisting both members and non-member facilities with essential supplies while securing increased Medicare and Medicaid rates to uphold quality care services. The organization’s focus on reimbursement and government partnerships has been pivotal.

Looking towards the future, Joe discusses HFAM’s upcoming initiatives which includes finalizing new regulations for assisted living providers and shifting to a patient-driven model system for Medicaid payments. These changes aim to enhance care provision amidst evolving healthcare landscapes. To learn more about Joe and the Health Facilities Association of Maryland, visit

Joseph DeMattos, CEO of Health Facilities Association of Maryland


Jim Ries – Offit Kurman