ArtServe Opens “Healing Through Art” Exhibit With FPL Gallery Dedication

Hundreds of art lovers were in attendance at a reception on Friday, April 12, 2024 as Fort Lauderdale’s ArtServe opened its newest exhibit called “Looking Forward—Healing Through Art.”

Created through grants from Funding Arts BrowardBroward County Cultural DivisionFlorida Arts & CultureThe Community Foundation of Broward and the WalMart Foundation, with sponsorship by BrightStar Credit Union and Florida Power & Light CompanyHealing Through Art runs through Friday, June 15 and features artists who focus on mental wellness and healing, as well as those who create art despite physical or mental challenges.

“Hands-on group art projects can be instrumental in forging camaraderie and self-esteem for everyone,” ArtServe CEO Jason Hughes added.

Photo 1 – (L-R) Gail Nicolaus, Julie Williamson Bresset, Steve Stock, Juliet Roulhac, Molly Wilson, Jason Hughes (Photo Credit—ArtServe)

Heather Palacios, Edward Zeltner, Kat Sierra, and Melvin Murphy (Photo credit: Through the Shutter)

Derick Roulhac, Tony Pastucci and Kent Planck (Photo credit: Through the Shutter)

Fernando Reimers, World AIDS Museum & Educational Center Executive Director Jessica Reimers and artist Melvin Murphy (Photo credit: ArtServe)

(L to R) Victor DiPilato; John Gironda; Ricardo Miller-Rojas; Jennifer Love Gironda; Quinn Miller-Rojas; Carleton Baucum (Photo credit: ArtServe)

Victoria Hickos, Natalia Hickos (Photo credit: ArtServe)

Artist Melvin Murphy and his family. (Photo credit: Through the Shutter)

The April 12 reception included a panel discussion during which artists shared how creating helps them persevere through personal challenges.  It also featured “make and take” art stations and live performances by local musical artists, improv artists and comedians.

The evening was highlighted by a ribbon-cutting ceremony as ArtServe named its main art gallery as the “Florida Power & Light Company Gallery” to honor FPL’s generous support of ArtServe’s many programs and artistic mission.

ArtServe is located at 1350 E. Sunrise Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale and open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Daily admission to Healing Through Art is also free.

ArtServe inspires, supports and advances its diverse members, artists and community by promoting artistic development, education and prosperity through the exploration and presentation of the visual and performing arts.