Will the Life Sciences Dethrone Software as the King of Technology?

Life sciences is biology that makes money.

Like other growth industries, many of its boosters stand to get rich. More than others, though, life sciences champions credibly claim their businesses can save lives. Even better to thrill local flag-wavers is that so much of the industry’s work is heavily place based — with expensive equipment, messy procedures and sterile requirements.

Over 15 years of publishing Technical.ly, software builders and web companies have been the focus of our coverage. But medical devices, biotechnology and a range of science-focused startups have always been in the mix. Back in 2015 and 2016, Baltimore economic leaders were encouraging scientists and entrepreneurs to mingle. Philadelphia too. Most recently in 2019, we answered “What are the life sciences anyway.” Our coverage has continued to grow, by following first the tech workers, then the entrepreneurs and finally the investors.