MidPoint Technology Group Hosts Successful Active Shooter Prevention Event

Leading experts in the active shooter prevention industry share invaluable insights and technologies to help save lives.

MidPoint Technology Group, a company delivering elite technological solutions hosted their first Active Shooter Prevention Seminar on Thursday, March 14. MidPoint’s new program provides organizations with the necessary solutions and technologies to mitigate active shooter threats and incidents.

MidPoint Technology Group is the sole integrator for the Active Shooter Prevention Project, (ASPP). In conjunction with Chris Grollnek, founder of ASPP, other partners in the project presented a high-level overview of solutions that include: multi-layered detection, ballistic glass and doors, gunshot and gun detection, advanced cyber analytics, security assessments and prevention strategies.

The seminar provided guests with insight from Chris Grollnek, addressing complex issues, and engage in interactive discussions during breakout sessions and question and answer portions.

Vendors included:

Clear-Armor: Clear Armor has the unique capability to transform glass on buildings into a robust, one-way armor that withstands multiple threat levels.

Scylla: The leading AI-based physical threat detection system. Augmenting the existing security infrastructure with next-gen AI solutions for business continuity, workplace safety, and proactive video surveillance.

Eagl Technology: They have revolutionized the security industry by integrating indoor & outdoor gunshot detection capabilities into a single technology platform

Blackfish Intelligence: Blackfish Intelligence comprises a team of skilled investigators focusing on risk mitigation, network, and behavioral monitoring.

Safewood Designs: A manufacturer of bullet-resistant materials and products, creating custom-built doors, walls, windows, shields, furniture, and more.

“The event Midpoint Technology Group hosted demonstrated the need for an unthinkable solution. Active Shooter situations are “Low Probability, High Impact” events that the public is tired of betting their family’s safety on, thinking, “It will never happen here.” The truth is, we need a plan and process as sound as fire prevention so we can be as active shooter-resistant as we are fire-resistant,” said ASPP’s Chris Grollnek, “With the resolve of the Active Shooter Prevention Project “Community of Experts” and the lockstep solutions of Midpoint, we can, we will, and we are putting an end to the fear of the unknown. We’re making it ok to address and change the paradigm, one person at a time…”

For more information on MidPoint Technology Group’s Active Shooter Prevention Program, please visit: MidPointTechnologyGroup.com.