Morphy Auctions officially became a multinational company today as founder and president Dan Morphy announced the launch of a European division based in Zwingen, Switzerland.
“Having a permanent presence in Europe means we can now offer collectors there a convenient and economical way in which to consign valuables to our major sales in Pennsylvania and Las Vegas,” Morphy said.
To ensure the intercontinental operation runs professionally and without any delays due to time-zone differences, Morphy’s has partnered with the respected Swiss firm CBR Trading AG, d.b.a. Munitionsdepot.ch (hereafter Munitions Depot). Consignors may now access a streamlined service that includes pickup anywhere on the Continent or in the UK, safe storage of goods in Zwingen, and prompt shipment to the USA. Confirmed initial consignments include antique firearms and militaria; antique toys, fine and decorative art, jewelry, and other high-quality antiques.
“We’ve had a strong involvement with European collectors for many years, especially those who collect antique firearms and militaria,” Dan Morphy said. “We’ve often been asked if there were a way to consign firearms to Morphy’s that didn’t involve tedious government paperwork or international shipping hassles. We knew that in order to set up a seamless, consignor-friendly system, we would need the right partner – a business with unquestionable integrity, a secure facility, and a thorough understanding of the documentation and legalities involved in handling firearms. We found that partner in Munitions Depot.”
Led by CEO Christoph Borer, Munitions Depot is a premier retailer of modern and contemporary weaponry, sporting arms and ammunition. The Swiss firm’s venue is already set up specifically for firearms storage, with state-of-the-art security, locking display cases and a sizable vault. They have vast experience in the legal exportation of weapons to authorized dealers in other countries.
Christoph Borer remarked: “Being part of such a great alliance with a company as renowned as Morphy Auctions is an honor. We invite European collectors to visit us in Zwingen or view our website, www.munitionsdepot.ch. We can’t wait to get started on the first exciting project.”
Munitions Depot will pick up collections anywhere in Europe and, in the case of firearms, handle the packing and paperwork required for shipment to Morphy’s government-authorized arms importer in the USA. Militaria (medals, uniforms, etc.), other types of antiques, artwork or jewelry are shipped direct to Morphy’s Pennsylvania gallery. Firearms may be previewed at the Zwingen gallery approximately one month prior to auction.
Dan Morphy noted: “Some firearms, like WWI and WWII European arms, sell for 2-3 times as much here as they do overseas. The biggest collectors of early German, French and Austrian militaria are also here in the States. The US market is hungry for it. The same applies to many types of antiques and luxury items. Amphora pottery, Rolex watches, and high-end German and French toys and trains often achieve higher prices in the States.”
Morphy’s plans to conduct two auctions per year in Zwingen, starting in fall 2024. Those sales will feature American consignors’ property that, in the opinion of Morphy’s specialists, would fare better in Europe.
Morphy Auctions staff will be at major firearms shows across Europe this year, including the March 22-24 Weapons Sammlerborse in Luzern, Switzerland, to meet with potential consignors and those wanting information about Morphy’s referral program, which pays generous fees for introductions leading to auction consignments. Contact Dan Morphy: +1 877-968-8880; info@morphyauctions.com.