Truly Unlimited Re-brands at 5th Anniversary; New Logo, New Look, New Focus

Truly Unlimited, a Managed Service Provider that incorporates IT Service solutions, Cybersecurity, Technology Consultation and Implementation, has recently undergone a re-brand as it passes the fifth anniversary milestone, with a look toward where the business will go in the next five years and beyond.

Paulo Bezerra, founder and President of Truly Unlimited, oversaw the re-brand process himself, noting that it had been a few years since their brand had been revised. “We’ve been focused on getting the right image out there for the business and to show a cohesive brand.”

He says of the original logo, “Beforehand, it just incorporated the name of the business into a few laurel leafs. At the time, I thought it was enough, but I have come to realize that it didn’t represent the company very well or say anything visually about the company. I wanted something that you could recognize from across a room. People who saw our original logo thought that we were a university. And while that can be a great conversation starter, I really wanted something that speaks more to who we are and what we do.”

At that same time that Truly Unlimited is unveiling a new look and logo, the company is expanding its marketing presence on social media platforms, including Instagram, LinkedIn and others. “Our reach is expanding, and we’re excited for what is to come,” he said. “Our new logo also gives us an opportunity to redefine our services and solutions, focusing on reliability and security in the B2B space.”

Bezerra said that he will also promote the new logo and launch merchandise that is showcasing the new look. He also has some plans for in person live events, as well as “live” events on social media.

For the next year and beyond, he plans to continue to work with companies to help them with streamlining processes, IT and Risk management, and helping businesses avoid hacks.  Truly Unlimited has the capacity to support over 300 devices at a time and dozens of clients, and they anticipate significant growth in 2024.

Prior to founding Truly Unlimited, Paulo Bezerra worked in a number of industries, including retail, food, landscaping and the media. He was a field service technician doing network management and consulting prior to launching his company.

In speaking about the name of his company and its new brand and outreach, he said, “When I think of a truly unlimited future for all businesses, I think of what kind of purposeful innovations would shape such a future. I think having a positive atmosphere and a technologically-advanced culture built within every business will be essential to that future. If every company, no matter the size, gets the same corporate infrastructure as big corporations in terms of resources, technology and security, it evens the playing field, and the businesses of the future will be built by the community and for the community.”

“We are grateful to our clients for their support over these first five years and we are excited to share our new company look and vision,” said Bezerra. To learn more about Truly Unlimited, please visit or call 857-264-0131.