Volunteers From NEI General Contracting Donate Home Goods For Residents Of NeighborWorks Housing Solutions Property In Holbrook

NeighborWorks® Housing Solutions (NHS; www.nhsmass.org), the leading housing service provider in southern Massachusetts, is grateful to a group of volunteers from NEI General Contracting who recently donated and helped assemble 72 welcome baskets  filled with an assortment of home goods and essentials to help welcome seniors who will be moving into Maple on Franklin in Holbrook, Massachusetts.  The need for affordable housing for seniors is at a critical point; more than 500 applications were received for the 72 units available.  Tenants will begin moving in this month.

“We recognize a significant demand for housing, particularly for seniors,” said Jenna Avitabile, associate director of marketing at NEI General Contracting. “Beyond providing shelter, our goal is to create a genuine sense of belonging. These baskets serve as a warm welcome to the seniors embarking on this new chapter.”

NEI is a privately held company committed to affordable housing. In recent years, NEI has forged a strong partnership with NeighborWorks Housing Solutions. Together, they’ve focused on providing affordable housing for vulnerable populations, including senior citizens. Their shared dedication to quality construction has strengthened communities and created opportunities for thriving neighborhoods.

“Once again, NEI has stepped up by providing the resources and volunteers necessary to truly make our seniors feel welcome and home,” said Robert Corley, CEO of NeighborWorks Housing Solutions.  “Many of the people we serve are on limited and fixed incomes; these baskets are just one more example of the commitment that NEI has to ensuring people have a safe and dignified place to call home, and these essentials are an additional piece to enhance their experience.

“We are more than grateful for our partnership with NEI,” Corley continued.

Maple on Franklin Maple is a 72-unit senior housing development for seniors. The apartment complex expands the amount of affordable housing available for seniors in the region.

About NeighborWorks® Housing Solutions 

NeighborWorks® Housing Solutions is the leading housing service provider in southern Massachusetts. NHS has more than 70 years of combined experience in the community development field and provides services to more than 20,000 households in over 75 cities and towns across the region. In addition to building and managing nearly 900 units of housing for veterans, homeless families and others in need, the agency offers a wide range of housing services, including foreclosure prevention counseling, home rehabilitation loans and grants, financial coaching and first-time homebuyer workshops. For more information, contact Serenity Belo, Resource Development Director, at 617-770-2227 x123 or sbelo@nhsmass.org, or visit: www.nhsmass.org.

About NEI General Contracting

NEI is a privately held company committed to affordable housing with extensive experience in ground-up, moderate rehab, elderly, veteran, historic rehab, historic tax credit and tax credit projects. They provide a full spectrum of general contracting and construction management services to clients throughout the United States.

NEI has three regional offices, to help better serve its clients: Boston to serve the Northeast, Florida to serve the Southeast, and Texas to serve the Southwest.

Founded in 1998 on the principles of integrity and diligence, they have opened the door to over 24,000 newly homed and hopeful families, giving them a chance for a better quality of life.  For more information, please visit www.neigc.com.