Bonde Fine Wine Shop Hosts Summer Dance Club in the Streets on Friday, August 18th

What: Bonde Fine Wine Shop, located at 54 Church St. in Harvard Square, is delighted to announce that it is hosting a Summer Dance Club in the Streets on Church Street in Harvard Square on Friday, August 18th, 2023, from 7 pm to 10 pm, in collaboration with the HSBA (Harvard Square Business Association) and sponsored by imminent Harvard Square Pizza Powerhouse Joe’s Pizza (opening soon in the old Milk Bar space).

After the success of the Bastille Day Celebration, Bonde wants to bring more

opportunities for people to come together and celebrate the summer by dancing in the streets. Bertil Jean-Chronberg, Harvard Square’s eminent sommelier and owner of Bonde Fine Wine Shop, will serve fabulous wines available for purchase, and DJ Joey Finnz (Joey Williams) will DJ house and Techno Pop dance music for the evening. Church Street in Harvard Square will be blocked off to traffic for the celebration. For more information, please visit their

When: Friday, August 18th, 2023, 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.


Bonde Fine Wine Shop
54 Church St
Cambridge, MA 02138

About Bonde Fine Wines

Conceived in July 2021 by Boston restaurateur and renowned sommelier Bertil Jean-Chronberg, Bonde is a wine shop in Cambridge’s Harvard Square dedicated not only to eco-responsible wines, neo-artisan wine accessories and wine books, but also to creating a bespoke experience for each guest while providing wine education to the community in a light-hearted and intimate environment. The focus on sustainable, small-production American wineries gives the consumer an opportunity to understand the wealth of quality, economically accessible wines grown and made in the United States. Each month Jean-Chronberg also publishes a new edition of Zero-Two-Wine-Three-Eight, an informative online newsletter tackling various wine-related topics peppered with humor and wit, along with Casserole & Sommelier sharing monthly recipes and wine pairings. Within the first year of opening, Bonde has received recognition in publications from the Boston Globe, Boston Common Magazine, Cambridge Day, Forbes, The SOMM Journal, and was awarded “Best Wine Shop” by Boston Magazine’s Best of Boston 2022.