Woburn Resident Nora Oliver Launches “Nutrition for our Heroes” Program

Nora Oliver, a mindset, fitness and wellness coach and the owner of coaching practice 10X Nora Oliver, has launched a new service, “Nutrition for Our Heroes,” aimed at providing guidance for eating and staying healthy for law enforcement, fire protection, and first responder professionals.

“It can be difficult for our police, fire and first responders to find the motivation to eat healthy and stay healthy, with all the different kinds of shifts that they work and the nature of being constantly on call and heading out to answer a call at a moment’s notice,” Ms. Oliver said. “It can seem simpler to just grab a sandwich or snack from a gas station or convenience store.”

Having provided nutritional counseling and programs for the Woburn Schools as well as several other high-profile locations, it became a natural next step to extend the service to the people who protect us all on the front lines, and then “Nutrition for Our Heros” came into being.

Nutrition for Our Heroes provides several options for participating front line personnel – a group presentation, followed by questions and answers, or individual coaching sessions within an organization.

Ms. Oliver has provided this nutrition program for the Medford Police Department, where25 officers participated in the coaching session and there will be follow-up individual sessions with the officers. She envisions this program being very beneficial for other police departments, as well as in the other front line departments.

She had previously done a similar program with the Woburn schools, providing guidance to parents and students, and also a presentation before the Woburn Chamber of Commerce.

In addition to nutrition, she said, the program can also focus on conflict in the workplace. “It’s important to take care of yourself physically, but resolving conflict is also a key part of everyone’s overall health. We can modify our presentation to suit individual needs.”

To learn more about Nutrition for Our Heroes, please email nora@noraoliver.com.

About Nora Oliver

Nora Oliver is an author as well as the owner of 10X Nora Oliver, a coaching practice that includes mindset, fitness and nutrition.  Offices are located at 290 Mishawum Road, Woburn, MA. To learn more, or to inquire about a coaching session, please email nora@noraoliver.com, visit the website, or call 332-334-6997.