Age-appropriate book to teach children to respect their bodies
The Erin Levitas Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to preventing sexual assault through early education, is releasing a book, Every Body Talk, for children from birth to eight years old.
Every Body Talk builds upon the organization’s mission of sexual assault prevention and is designed as an introduction to age-appropriate caregiver/child conversations about body safety, child abuse prevention, and ultimately sexual assault prevention. A tool for caregivers, the book will guide adults to have conversations with children that will accomplish the first step in ensuring child safety – enabling the child to discuss anything of concern when it comes to themselves and their body.
“Our work centers around the fact that early education is the key to preventing sexual assault. What better way to reach young children than a children’s book? It makes the topics easy to understand and brings everything down to their level,” said Marissa Jachman, executive director, Erin Levitas Foundation and co-author of Every Body Talk. “We hope children will grow up feeling comfortable having conversations about their bodies and boundaries with a trusted adult.”
The book covers topics such as body parts, healthy boundaries, hygiene, safe play and finding a trusted adult if a child feels scared, unsure, or needs help, all while ensuring gender norms are represented in healthy ways. The book’s illustrations help make the topics easy to understand while depicting children of many races, ethnic backgrounds, cultures, abilities, and family units taking part in a wide variety of activities.
To develop the age-appropriate language that addresses the book’s sensitive issues, the Foundation worked with a variety of experts and consultants, including a racial equity consultant and gender violence experts, teachers, a therapist, representatives from Lifebridge Health’s Center for Hope, librarians, individuals with disabilities, a disability rights activist, and parents.
Education will go beyond the book. Readers will have access to resources for caregivers on the Foundation’s website. Additionally, in the future educators will be able to download a lesson plan based on the book, as well as a poster and other classroom materials.
While the book is expected to be released this fall, the eBook version can be ordered now, and the Foundation is accepting pre-sale orders online at http://www.everybodytalkbook.org/. All profits from the sale of the book will support sexual assault and sexual abuse prevention.
The Erin Levitas Foundation, a nonprofit organization located in Baltimore, Maryland, is dedicated to ending sexual assault. With educational programs at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law and St. Timothy’s School, the Foundation works by providing early education resources for youth, young men, women, caregivers, and educators to deconstruct negative attitudes and perceptions that give rise to sexual violence. Visit the Erin Levitas Foundation for more information.